Section R17-7-201. Authorization Application Requirements  

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  • A.      An applicant for third-party authorization shall provide to the Department on request:

    1.        The   applicant’s    name,   business   name,   and   federal employer identification number;

    2.        The applicant’s bond status as exempt or nonexempt under A.R.S. Title 28, Chapter 13. If exempt, the appli- cant must complete a bond exemption form. If nonex- empt, the applicant must provide proof of a surety bond pursuant to A.R.S. Title 28, Chapter 13;

    3.        The name of the person who is the applicant’s principal;

    4.        The name, title, e-mail address, and telephone number of the applicant’s contact individual;

    5.        The activities for which the applicant seeks third-party authorization;

    6.        The address of the applicant’s principal place of business and each established place of business;

    7.        A statement that the applicant is in good standing;

    8.        The signature of:

    a.         The sole proprietor,

    b.        All partners,

    c.         A corporate officer,

    d.        A limited liability company manager, or

    e.         The political subdivision head or agency head;

    9.        The following documents relating to the applicant’s busi- ness if the applicant is a:

    a.         Corporation:

    i.         A copy of the articles of incorporation, includ- ing any  amendments filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission; and

    ii.        Any other official documents, including copies of board meeting minutes and annual reports, that reflect the most recent change to the corpo- rate name, structure, or officers;

    b.        Limited liability company:

    i.         A copy of the articles of organization, including any amendments filed with the Arizona Corpo- ration Commission; or

    ii.        A copy of the application for registration as a foreign limited liability company filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission and a copy of the certificate of registration issued by the Arizona Corporation Commission to a foreign limited liability company;

    c.         Limited partnership, or a limited liability partner- ship:

    i.         A copy of a valid certificate of existence issued by the Arizona Secretary of State;

    ii.        A copy, stamped “Filed” by the Arizona Secre- tary of State, of a Certificate of Limited Part- nership, Certificate of Foreign Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership form, Foreign Limited Liability Partnership form, or Statement of Qualification for Conver- sion of Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership; or

    iii.      A copy of a valid trade name certificate issued by the Arizona Secretary of State; or

    d.        Sole Proprietor:

    i.         A copy of a valid certificate of existence issued by the Arizona Secretary of State, or

    ii.        A copy of a valid trade name certificate issued by the Arizona Secretary of State;

    10.     A floor plan for each place of business that includes:

    a.         A computer-generated graphic,

    b.        A blueprint or other photographic reproduction of an architectural plan or technical drawing, or

    c.         A  nontechnical   drawing  made  by  hand  using  a straightedge;

    11.     A map, drawing, or narrative description of each skills test route and a photograph or drawing of each test site; and

    12.     Unless exempt pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-5105, a full set of fingerprints for a criminal records check of each principal who must be at least 18 years of age. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the fingerprinting and criminal records check. Each full set of fingerprints shall be impressed on a fingerprint card:

    a.         Supplied by the Department, and

    b.        Completed by a law enforcement agency.

    B.       Unless exempt pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-5105, an applicant for a third-party authorization shall submit, for each principal, a statement on a form provided by the Department with the fol- lowing information:

    1.        Name, including other names and birth dates used;

    2.        Residence address;

    3.        Any suspension, cancellation, revocation, or denial of any similar business license issued by the Department within five years before the application date; and

    4.        The individual’s signature witnessed by a notary public or a Department agent designated under A.R.S. § 28- 370(A).

    C.      The authorization application, as provided under subsection

    (A) and (B), is received within 30 days of application date.

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1630, effective July 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2). Amended by final

rulemaking at 12 A.A.R. 2418, effective August 5, 2006 (Supp. 06-2). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 20

A.A.R. 1138, effective May 1, 2014 (Supp. 14-2).