Section R17-3-801. General Provisions  

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  • The following definitions apply:

    “Corridor Management Plan (CMP)” means a written docu- ment developed with public involvement that specifies the actions, procedures, controls, operational practices, and administrative responsibilities and strategies to manage and protect the resources of a designated road.

    “Department” means the Arizona Department of Transporta- tion.

    “Designate” means to grant status as a parkway, historic road, or scenic road to certain physical boundaries of a road or area under A.R.S. §§ 41-512 through 41-518.

    “Interstate highway” has the meaning in A.R.S. § 28-7901(4).

    “PHSRAC” means the Arizona Parkways, and Historic and Scenic Roads Advisory Committee.

    “Road” means any federal, state, county, Indian, or municipal- ity roadway or right-of-way.

    “Request” means a written statement submitted to PHSRAC by an agency, group, or individual to ask PHSRAC to consider an initial assessment to recommend certain road segments for a designated road.

    “Resources” means the cultural, natural, scenic, or historic qualities of a requested parkway or historic or scenic road.

    “State highway” has the meaning in A.R.S. § 28-101(47).

    “Viewshed” means the three visual areas that can be seen from a specific stopping point on or near a roadway, comprised of the:

    Foreground (the area up to one-third mile from the edge of the roadway where individual parts of a plant are dis- tinguishable);

    Middleground (the area beginning one third from  the edge of the roadway and extending to three miles from the roadway where individual plants are distinguishable); and

    Background (the area more than three miles from the roadway, where individual plants are indistinguishable but are visible as vegetative cover).

Historical Note

Adopted effective May 30, 1984 (Supp. 84-3). Amended

effective August 3, 1994 (Supp. 94-3). Amended by final

rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 2073, effective July 6, 2004

(Supp. 04-2).