Section R14-2-308. Provision of service  

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  • A.      Utility responsibility

    1.        Each utility shall be responsible for the safe transmission and distribution of gas until it passes the point of delivery to the customer.

    2.        Each utility shall be responsible for maintaining in safe operating condition all meters, regulators, service pipe or other fixtures installed on the customer’s premises by the utility for the purpose of delivering gas to the customer.

    3.        Each utility may, at its option, refuse service until the cus- tomer’s pipes and appliances have been tested and found to be safe, free from leaks, and in good operating condi- tion. Proof of such testing shall be in the form of a certifi- cate executed by a licensed plumber of local inspector, certifying that the customer’s facilities have been tested and are in safe operating condition.

    4.        Each utility shall be required to test the customer’s piping for leaks when the gas is turned on. If such tests indicate leakage in the customer’s piping, the utility shall refuse to provide service until such time as the customer has had the leakage corrected.

    B.       Customer responsibility

    1.        Each customer shall be responsible for maintaining all customer piping, fixtures and appliances on the cus- tomer’s side of the point of delivery in safe operating condition.

    2.        Each customer shall be responsible for safeguarding all utility property installed in or on the customer’s premises for the purpose of supplying utility service.

    3.        Each customer shall exercise all reasonable care to pre- vent loss or damage to utility property, excluding ordi- nary wear and tear. The customer shall be responsible for

    Corporation Commission Fixed Utilities

    loss of or damage to utility property on the customer’s premises arising from neglect, carelessness, or misuse and shall reimburse the utility for the cost of necessary repairs or replacements.

    4.        Each customer shall be responsible for payment for any equipment damage and/or estimated unmetered usage resulting from unauthorized breaking of seals, interfering, tampering or bypassing the utility meter.

    5.        Each customer shall be responsible for notifying the util- ity of any gas leakage identified in the customer’s or the utility’s equipment.

    C.      Continuity of service. Each utility shall make reasonable efforts to supply a satisfactory and continuous level of service. However, no utility shall be responsible for any damage or claim of damage attributable to any interruption or discontinu- ation of service resulting from:

    1.        Any cause against which the utility could not have rea- sonably foreseen or made provision for, i.e., force majeure

    2.        Intentional service interruptions to make repairs or per- form routine maintenance

    3.        Curtailment.

    D.      Change in character of service. When a change is made by the utility in the type of service rendered which would adversely affect the efficiency of operation or require the adjustment of the equipment of customers, all customers who may be affected shall be notified by the utility at least 30 days in advance of the change or, if such notice is not possible, as early as feasible. Where adjustments or replacements of the utility’s standard equipment must be made to permit use under such changed conditions, adjustments shall be made by the utility without charge to the customers.

    E.       Service interruptions

    1.        Each utility shall make reasonable efforts to reestablish service within the shortest possible time when service interruptions occur.

    2.        Each utility shall make reasonable provisions to meet emergencies resulting from failure of service, and each utility shall issue instructions to its employees covering procedures to be followed in the event of emergency in order to prevent or mitigate interruption or impairment of service.

    3.        In the event of a national emergency or local disaster resulting in disruption of normal service, the utility may, in the public interest, interrupt service to other customers to provide necessary service to civil defense or other emergency service agencies on a temporary basis until normal service to these agencies can be restored.

    4.        When a utility plans to interrupt service for more than four hours to perform necessary repairs or maintenance, the utility shall attempt to inform affected customers at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled date and esti- mated duration of the service interruption. Such repairs shall be completed in the shortest possible time to mini- mize the inconvenience to the customers of the utility.

    5.        The Commission shall be notified of interruptions in ser- vice affecting the entire system or any major division thereof. The interruption of service and cause shall be reported within one hour after the responsible representa- tive of the utility becomes aware of said interruption by telephone to the Commission and followed by a written report to the Commission.

    F.       Heat value standard for natural gas. Each gas utility operating under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall supply gas to its customers with an average total heating value of not less than

    900 Btu’s per cubic foot. The number of Btu’s per cubic foot actually delivered through the customer’s meter will vary according to the altitude/elevation of the location where the customer is being provided service.

    G.      Standard delivery pressure

    1.        Each utility shall maintain a standard delivery pressure at the outlet of the customer’s meter of approximately 0.25 pounds per square inch gauge subject to variation under load conditions.

    2.        In cases where a customer desires service at greater than standard delivery pressure, the utility may supply at its option such greater pressure if and only as long as the fur- nishing of gas to such customer at higher than standard delivery pressure will not be detrimental to the service of other customers of the utility. The utility reserves the right to lower said delivery pressure or discontinue the delivery of gas at higher pressure at any time upon rea- sonable notice to the customer. Where service is provided at such higher pressure, the meter volumes shall be cor- rected to that higher pressure.

    H.      Curtailment. Each utility shall file with the Commission as a part of its general tariffs a procedural plan for handling severe supply shortages or service curtailments. The plan shall pro- vide for equitable treatment of individual customer classes in the most reasonable and effective manner given the existing circumstances. When the availability of service is so restricted that the reduction of service on a proportionate basis to all cus- tomer classes will not maintain the integrity of the total sys- tem, the utility shall develop procedures to curtail service giving service priority to those customers and/or customer classes where health, safety and welfare would be adversely affected.

Historical Note

Adopted effective March 2, 1982 (Supp. 82-2). Amended by deleting subsection (I) effective October 23, 1987 (Supp. 87-4). Amended to correct subsection numbering (Supp. 99-4).