Section R14-2-2509. Reporting Requirements  

Latest version.

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  • A.      By April 1 of each year, an affected utility shall submit to the Commission, in a Commission-established docket for that year, a DSM progress report providing information for each of the affected utility’s Commission-approved DSM and RET programs including at least the following:

    1.        An analysis of the affected utility’s progress toward meet- ing the annual energy efficiency standard;

    2.        A list of the affected utility’s current Commission- approved DSM and RET programs, organized by cus- tomer segment;

    3.        A description of the findings from any research projects completed during the previous year; and

    4.        The following information for each Commission- approved DSM program and measure and RET program and RET:

    a.         A brief description;

    b.        Goals, objectives, and savings targets;

    c.         The level of customer participation during the previ- ous year;

    d.        The costs incurred during the previous year, disag- gregated by type of cost, such as administrative costs, rebates, and monitoring costs;

    e.         A description and the results of evaluation and mon- itoring activities during the previous year;

    f.         Savings realized in kW, kWh, therms, and therm equivalents, as appropriate;

    g.        The environmental benefits realized;

    h.        Incremental benefits and net benefits, in dollars;

    i.         Performance-incentive calculations for the previous year;

    j.         Problems encountered during the previous year and proposed solutions;

    Corporation Commission Fixed Utilities

    k.        A description of any modifications proposed for the following year; and

    l.         Whether the affected utility proposes to terminate the DSM program or measure or RET program or RET and the proposed date of termination.

    B.       By October 1 of each year, an affected utility shall file a status report including a tabular summary showing the following for each current Commission-approved DSM program and mea- sure and RET program and RET of the affected utility:

    1.        Semi-annual expenditures compared to annual budget, and

    2.        Participation rates.

    C.      An affected utility shall file each report required by this Sec- tion with Docket Control, where it will be available to the pub- lic, and shall make each such report available to the public upon request.

    D.      An affected utility may request within its implementation plan that these reporting requirements supersede specific existing DSM reporting requirements.

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 17 A.A.R. 72, effective March 4, 2011 (Supp. 11-1).