Section R14-2-1613. Reporting Requirements  

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  • A.      Reports covering the following items, as applicable, shall be submitted to the Director, Utilities Division, through the Com- pliance Section, by Affected Utilities or Utility Distribution Companies and all Electric Service Providers granted a Certif- icate of Convenience and Necessity pursuant to this Article. These reports shall include the following information pertain- ing to competitive service offerings, Unbundled Services, and Standard Offer services in Arizona:

    1.        Type of services offered;

    2.        kW and kWh sales to consumers, disaggregated by cus- tomer class (for example, residential, commercial, indus- trial);

    3.        Revenues from sales by customer class (for example, res- idential, commercial, industrial);

    4.        Number of retail customers disaggregated as follows: res- idential, commercial/industrial under 21 kW, commercial/ industrial 21 to 999 kW, commercial/industrial 1000 kW or more, agricultural (if not included in commercial), and other;

    5.        Retail kWh sales and revenues disaggregated by term of the contract (less than one year, one to four years, longer than four years), and by type of service (for example, firm, interruptible, other);

    6.        Amount of revenues from each type of Competitive Ser- vice and, if applicable, each type of Noncompetitive Ser- vice provided (using breakdown from R14-2-1612(O);

    7.        Value of all assets used to serve Arizona customers and accumulated depreciation;

    8.        Tabulation of Arizona electric generation plants owned by the Electric Service Provider broken down by genera- tion technology, fuel type, and generation capacity;

    9.        The number of customers aggregated and the amount of aggregated load; and

    10.     Other data requested by staff or the Commission.

    B.       Reporting Schedule

    1.        For the period through December 31, 2003, semi-annual reports shall be filed by April 15 (covering the previous period of July through December) and October 15 (cover- ing the previous period of January through June). The first such report shall cover the period January 1 through June 30, 1999.

    2.        For the period after December 31, 2003, annual reports shall be filed by April 15 (covering the previous period of January through December). The first such report shall cover the period January 1 through December 31, 2004.

    C.      The information listed above may, at the provider’s option, be provided on a confidential basis. However, staff or the Com- mission may issue reports with aggregate statistics based on confidential information that do not disclose data pertaining to a particular seller or purchases by a particular buyer.

    D.      Any Electric Service Provider, Affected Utility, or Utility Dis- tribution Company governed by this Article which fails to file the above data in a timely manner may be subject to a penalty imposed by the Commission or may have its Certificate rescinded by the Commission.

    E.       Any Electric Service Provider holding a Certificate pursuant to this Article shall file a request in Docket Control to discon- tinue any competitive tariff as soon as practicable after the decision to discontinue offering service is made.

    F.       In addition to the above reporting requirements, Electric Ser- vice Providers, Affected Utilities, and Utility Distribution Companies governed by this Article shall participate in Com-

    mission workshops or other forums whose purpose is to evalu- ate competition or assess market issues.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 26, 1996, under an exemp- tion as determined by the Arizona Corporation Commis- sion (Supp. 96-4). Amended by an emergency action effective August 10, 1998, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1026, in effect for a maximum of 180 days (Supp. 98-3). Emer- gency amendment replaced by exempt permanent amend- ment effective December 31, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Former Section R14-2-1613 renumbered to R14-2-1612; new Section R14-2-1613 renumbered from R14-2-1614 and amended by exempt rulemaking at 5 A.A.R. 3933, effec- tive September 24, 1999 (Supp. 99-3). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 4180, effective October 13, 2000 (Supp. 00-4).


Editor’s Note: The Arizona Corporation Commission has determined that the following Section is exempt from the Attorney General approval provisions of the Arizona Administrative Proce- dure Act (A.R.S. § 41-1041) by a court order (State ex. rel. Corbin

v. Arizona Corporation Commission, 174 Ariz. 216 848 P.2d 301 (App. 1992)).