Section R13-7-103. Electronic Standards for Reporting Receipt of Lead Acid Batteries

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  • A.      A used automotive components dealer required to submit an electronic record under subsection § 44-1327(A) shall submit the record into the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Data- base. To submit the record, the used automotive components dealer shall create an electronic account in the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database. The used automotive compo- nents dealer may:

    1.        Manually submit each record directly into the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database, or

    2.        Upload individual or batch records from a point-of-sale software program or other software program into the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database.

    B.       When submitting a record into the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database, a used automotive components dealer shall indicate that the record is about receipt of lead acid batteries.

    C.      A used automotive components dealer choosing to upload records under subsection (A)(2) shall conform to the following electronic submission standards:

    1.        Have available and use Internet connectivity for submis- sion to the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database;

    2.        Ensure when uploading an individual or batch  record that:

    a.        The record is not any of the following electronic for- mats:

    i.         Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), or any other picture format;

    ii.        Portable Document Format (PDF); or

    iii.      Word processing program format; and

    b.        The record submitted is in a format that enables the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database to per- form data parsing and configuration necessary to merge the record with the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database.

    3.        A used automotive components dealer choosing to upload records under subsection (A)(2) shall ensure that the Department has current specifications regarding the for- mat in which the records are submitted so the Department can make changes necessary to merge the records with the Scrap Metal and Lead Acid Battery Database.

Historical Note

New Section R13-7-103 made by final rulemaking at 19

A.A.R. 1796, effective September 7, 2013 (Supp. 13-3).

September 30, 2013                                                                           Page 1                                                                                         Supp. 13-3