Section R12-1-615. Mammography Personnel  

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  • A.      Personnel.

    1.        Each registrant shall require personnel who perform mammography, which includes the production, process- ing, and interpretation of mammograms and related qual- ity assurance activities, to meet the following requirements:

    a.         An interpreting physician shall meet federal require- ments (Contained in 21 CFR 900.12(a)(1), revised April 1, 2013, incorporated by reference, and avail- able under R12-1-101. This incorporated material contains no future editions or amendments.); or

    i.         Be licensed under A.R.S. Title 32, Chapters 13 or 17;

    ii.        Have initially completed 40 hours of medical education credits in mammography;

    iii.      Be certified by the American Board of Radiol- ogy or the American Osteopathic Board of Radiology or meet the requirements of the mammography quality standards act regula- tions for quality standards of interpreting physi- cians;

    iv.       Have interpreted or reviewed an average of 300 mammograms per year during the preceding two years or have completed a radiology resi- dency that included mammogram image inter- pretation in the preceding two years;

    v.        Have completed 15 hours of continuing medi- cal education credits in mammography during the preceding three years; and

    vi.       Have received at least eight hours of training specific to each mammographic modality before engaging in independent interpretation.

    b.        A mammographic technologist shall meet federal requirements (Contained in 21 CFR 900.12(a)(2), revised April 1, 2013, incorporated by reference, and available under R12-1-101. This incorporated material contains no future editions or amend- ments.); or

    i.         Possess a valid mammographic technologist certificate issued  by  the  Medical Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners, as required in

    A.R.S. § 32-2841, or be pursuing mammogra- phy certification by training under the direct supervision of a technologist who possesses a valid mammographic technologist certificate;

    ii.        Have performed at least 200 mammographic examinations in the preceding two years;

    iii.      Have completed 15 hours of continuing medi- cal education credits in mammography during the preceding three years; and

    iv.       Have received at least eight hours of training specific to each mammographic modality to be used by the technologist in performing mam- mographic examinations.

    c.         A radiologic physicist shall meet federal require- ments (Contained in 21 CFR 900.12(a)(3), revised April 1, 2013, incorporated by reference and avail- able under R12-1-101. This incorporated material contains no future editions or amendments.); or

    i.         Be certified by the American Board of Radiol- ogy, American Board of Medical Physics, or the American Board of Health Physics;

    ii.        Possess documentation of state approval;

    iii.      Hold a master's degree or higher in a physical science;

    iv.       Have, upon initial employment as a radiologic physicist, experience conducting, at least one mammographic facility survey and evaluating at least 10 mammographic units;

    v.        Have, after completing the experience require- ments in subsection (A)(1)(c)(iv), continuing experience surveying two mammographic facilities and evaluating six mammographic units during the preceding two years;

    vi.       Have completed 15 hours of continuing medi- cal education credits in mammography during the three preceding years;

    vii.     Have received at least eight hours of training specific to any modality surveyed; and

    2.        Each registrant shall maintain records documenting the requirements in subsection (A)(1) for three years from the date the requirement is met and make the records avail- able for Agency inspection.

    B.       Radiologic physicists shall apply for and renew their certifica- tion on agency approved forms. In addition to Agency sup- plied forms, applicants must also submit documentation showing education, mammography specific training, educa- tion, and board certification. Upon renewal, an applicant must submit documentation showing current continuing education requirements are met.

Historical Note

Adopted effective January 2, 1996 (Supp. 96-1). Section repealed by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.C. 4302, effective November 14, 2003 (Supp. 03-3). New Section R12-1- 615 made by final rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 3882, effec- tive January 4, 2014 (Supp. 13-4).