Section R12-1-1441. Laser Light Shows and Demonstrations  

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  • A.      Before a conducting laser light show or laser demonstration, a registrant shall provide documentation to the Agency that a variance from 21 CFR 1040.10 has been obtained form the FDA.

    B.       A registrant shall notify the Agency in writing, at least three working days in before a proposed laser light show or demon- stration, and include all of the following information:

    1.        The location, time, and date of the light show or demon- stration;

    2.        Sketches showing the locations of each laser, operator, performer, laser beam path, viewing screen, wall, mirror

    ball, or any other reflective or diffuse surface that could be hit by or reflect the laser beam;

    3.        Scanning beam patterns, scan velocity, and frequency in occupied areas; and

    4.        Physical surveys and calculations made to comply with this Article.

    C.      A registrant shall supply any additional information required by the Agency for the safety evaluation of the proposed activ- ity.

    D.      Before an outdoor laser light show, a registrant shall notify the Federal Aviation Administration of the proposed show.

    E.       If a light show or demonstration involves laser radiation emis- sions outside the spectral range of 400 to 700 nanometers, a registrant shall prevent the emissions from exceeding the applicable Class 1 accessible emission limit.

    F.       If it is likely that an audience member or any operator, per- former, or employee will view laser or collateral radiation, a registrant shall prevent the radiation from exceeding the appli- cable Class 1 accessible emission limit.

    G.      Even if it is unlikely that an individual, including any operator, performer, or employee in the vicinity of a laser light show or demonstration will view or be exposed to laser or collateral radiation, a registrant shall prevent the radiation from exceed- ing the applicable Class 2 accessible emission limit.

    H.      A registrant shall identify any area where levels of laser radia- tion exceed the applicable Class 2 accessible emission limit by posting warning signs and using barriers or guards to prevent entry.

    I.        If a registrant uses a scanning device, the registrant shall not use a device which, as a result of scan failure or any other fail- ure, can change its angular velocity or amplitude, permitting audience exposure to laser radiation that exceeds the applica- ble Class 1 accessible emission limit.

    J.        If a mirror ball is used with a scanning laser, a registrant shall meet the requirements of subsections (F) and (G) when the mirror ball is stationary or during any failure mode that results in a change in the rotational speed of the mirror ball.

    K.      A registrant shall ensure that an operator is at all times directly and personally supervising a laser light show or demonstra- tion, except in cases where the maximum laser power output level is less than 5 milliwatts (all spectral lines) and the laser beam path is located at all times at least 6 meters above any surface upon which an individual in the audience is permitted to stand, and at any point, more than 2.5 meters in lateral sepa- ration from any position where an individual in the audience is permitted during the performance.

    L.       A registrant shall prevent laser radiation levels from exceeding the applicable Class 2 accessible emission limit at any point less than three meters above any surface upon which an indi- vidual in the audience is permitted to stand and 2.5 meters in lateral separation from any position where an individual in the audience is permitted, unless physical barriers are present that prevent human access to the radiation.

    M.     A registrant shall limit the maximum power output of any laser to a level sufficient to produce the desired effect.

    N.      If a registrant is required to limit output power to a level less than the available power to meet the requirements of this Arti- cle, the registrant shall adjust, measure, and record the laser output power before the laser light show or demonstration.

    O.      A registrant shall functionally test and evaluate all safety devices and procedures necessary to comply with this Article after setup, and before a laser light show or demonstration.

    P.       A registrant shall secure a laser system, when not in use, against unauthorized operation or tampering

    Q.      A registrant shall perform laser alignment procedures with the laser output power reduced to the lowest practicable level, and

    ensure that any operator, performer, or other employee wears protective eyewear as necessary to prevent exposure to radia- tion levels that exceed the applicable MPE. The registrant shall only allow individuals who are performing the alignment be present during alignment procedures.

    R.      A registrant shall not conduct a laser light show or demonstra- tion unless the Agency has specifically exempted the show or demonstration from the requirements of 21 CFR  1040.10, April 1, 2004, which is incorporated by reference, published by the Office of Federal Register National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, and on file with the Agency. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments.

Historical Note

Adopted effective April 2, 1990 (Supp. 90-2). Amended

effective January 2, 1996 (Supp. 96-1). Section repealed; new Section made by final rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 61, effective February 5, 2005 (Supp. 04-4).