Section R12-1-1422. Laser Protective Devices  

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  • A.      A registrant shall ensure that each laser product has a protec- tive housing that prevents access to laser and collateral radia- tion if it exceeds the exposure limits for Class 1 lasers in R12- 1-1426. If a laser’s accessible emission levels must exceed the limits for Class 1 lasers, the registrant shall use a laser from the lowest class that will enable the registrant to perform the intended function.

    B.       To prevent access to radiation above the applicable MPE, a registrant shall ensure that each laser has a safety interlock, which prevents operation of the laser if a person has removed any portion of the protective housing that can be removed or displaced without the use of tools during normal operation or maintenance. The registrant shall ensure that:

    1.        Service, testing, or maintenance of a laser does not render the interlocks inoperative or increase radiation outside the protective housing to levels that exceed the applicable MPE, unless a controlled area is established as specified in R12-1-1433;

    2.        For pulsed lasers, interlocks are designed to prevent the laser from firing;

    3.        For Class 3b and 4 continuous wave (cw) lasers, inter- locks turn off the power supply or interrupt the beam.

    4.        An interlock does not allow automatic accessibility to radiation emission above the applicable MPE when the interlock is closed; and

    5.        Multiple safety interlocks or a means to preclude removal or displacement of the interlocked portion of the protec- tive housing is provided if failure of a single interlock could result in:

    a.         Human access to levels of laser radiation that exceed the radiant power accessible emission limit for Class 3a laser radiation, or

    b.        Laser radiation that exceeds the accessible emission limit for Class 2, emitted directly through the open- ing created by removal or displacement of a portion of the protective housing.

    C.      A registrant shall ensure that a laser with viewing ports, view- ing optics, or display screens, included as an integral part of the enclosed laser or laser system has:

    1.        A suitable means to attenuate laser and collateral radia- tion transmitted through the optical system to less than the accessible emission limit for collateral radiation required by 21 CFR 1040.10, April 1, 2004, which is incorporated by reference, published by the Office of Federal Register National Archives and Records Admin- istration, Washington, D.C. 20408, and on file with the Agency. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments; and

    2.        Specific written administrative procedures developed by the LSO, and use controls, such as interlocks or filters, if there is increased hazard to the eye or skin associated with the use of optical systems such as lenses, telescopes, or microscopes.

    D.      A registrant shall ensure that each Class 3 or 4 laser product provides a visual or audible indication before the emission of

    accessible laser radiation that exceeds the limits for Class 1, as follows:

    1.        For Class 3, except for laser products that allow access to less than 5 milliwatts peak visible laser radiation, and Class 4 lasers, the indication occurs before the emission of the radiation and allows enough time for action to avoid exposure;

    2.        Any visual indicator is clearly visible through protective eyewear designed specifically for the wavelength of the emitted laser radiation;

    3.        If the laser and laser energy source are housed separately and can be operated at a separation distance of greater than 2 meters, both the laser and laser energy source incorporate visual or audible indicators; and

    4.        Any visual indicators are positioned so that viewing does not require human access to laser radiation that exceeds the applicable MPE.

    E.       In addition to the information signs, symbols, and labels pre- scribed in R12-1-1427, R12-1-1428, and R12-1-1429, each registrant shall provide, near the signs, symbols, and labels within the laser facility, operating procedure restrictions and any other safety information required to ensure compliance with this Article and minimize exposure to laser and collateral radiation.

Historical Note

Adopted effective April 2, 1990 (Supp. 90-2). Table ref- erenced in subsection (A) was repealed effective January 2, 1996; Section amended effective January 2, 1996 (Supp. 96-1). Amended by final rulemaking at 11 A.A.R.

61, effective February 5, 2005 (Supp. 04-4).