Section R12-1-1414. Tanning Equipment Operators  

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  • A.      A registrant shall ensure that at least one operator is present during operating hours. The operator shall:

    1.        Limit the occupancy of the tanning room to one person when the tanning equipment is in use;

    2.        Prevent use of the tanning equipment by anyone under 18 years of age unless the person has written permission from a parent or guardian;

    3.        Limit exposure time to the manufacturer’s recommenda- tion on the equipment label or in the operator’s manual;

    4.        Limit exposure time during a 24-hour period to the maxi- mum recommended for a 24-hour period by the manufac- turer; and

    5.        Maintain a record of each user’s total number of tanning visits and exposure times for Agency inspection. The reg-

    istrant shall maintain the records for three years from the date on the record.

    B.       Before use of tanning equipment, an operator shall:

    1.        Provide the user sanitized protective sunlamp eyewear and directions for its use;

    2.        Demonstrate the use of any physical aids, necessary to maintain correct exposure distance for the user, as recom- mended by the manufacturer of the tanning equipment;

    3.        Set the exposure timer so that the user is not exposed to excess radiation;

    4.      Instruct the user on the maximum exposure time and cor- rect distance from the radiation source as recommended by the manufacturer of the tanning equipment; and

    5.        Instruct the user about the location and correct operation of the emergency shutoff switch.

    C.      An operator shall control a sunlamp’s timer. A registrant shall:

    1.        Provide training to operators that covers:

    a.         The requirements of this Section;

    b.        Facility operating procedures, including:

    i.         Determination of skin type and associated dura- tion of exposure;

    ii.        Procedures for use of minor and adult user con- sent forms;

    iii.      Potential harm associated with photosensitizing foods, cosmetics, and medications;

    iv.       Requirements for use of protective eyewear by users of the equipment; and

    v.        Proper  sanitizing  procedures  for  the  facility, equipment, and eyewear;

    c.         The manufacturer’s procedures  for operation  and maintenance of tanning equipment;

    d.        Recognition of injury or overexposure; and

    e.         Emergency procedures used in the case of an injury.

    2.        Maintain records of training for Agency review, which include dates and material covered, for three years from the date the training is provided.

    3.        Post a list of operators at the facility.

    D.      Before the first use of a tanning facility in each calendar year by a user:

    1.        An operator shall request that the user read a copy of the warnings in R12-1-1415(A);

    2.        The operator shall obtain the user’s signature on a state- ment as an acknowledgment that the user has heard or read and understands the warnings in R12-1-1415(A); and

    3.        For illiterate or visually handicapped persons, the opera- tor shall read the warnings in R12-1-1415(A) in the pres- ence of a witness. Both the witness and the operator shall sign the statement described in subsection (D)(2).

Historical Note

Adopted effective April 2, 1990 (Supp. 90-2). Amended

effective January 2, 1996 (Supp. 96-1). Amended by final

rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 61, effective February 5, 2005

(Supp. 04-4).