Section R12-1-1410. Radio Frequency Compliance Measurements  

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  • A.      For obtaining measurements to determine compliance with R12-1-1405, the Agency shall use an instrument capable of measuring the field strength and frequency of radiation.

    B.       The Agency shall ensure that each instrument used for compli- ance measurements is calibrated every 12 months. The calibra- tion shall be performed in a manner that meets the standards in IEEE Std C95.1-1999, incorporated by reference in R12-1- 1404(A).

    C.      For compliance measurements of exposure conditions in the near field, the Agency shall obtain measurements of both the electric and magnetic field components. The applicable pro- tection standards for near field measurements are the mean squared electric and magnetic field strengths (using the appli- cable MPE) referenced in R12-1-1405.

    D.      If the Agency is obtaining measurements to determine compli- ance in far field exposure conditions, the Agency may use measurements of power density in milliwatts per square centi- meter or the calculated equivalent plane wave power density,

    based on measurement of either the electric or magnetic field strength. The applicable protection standards are the power density values (using the applicable MPE) referenced in R12- 1-1405.

    E.       In obtaining measurements in accordance with this Section, the Agency shall measure the electric and magnetic field strength:

    1.        Obtained at an emission frequency of 300 megahertz or less; and

    2.        Expressed in terms of power density.

    F.       For mixed or broadband fields at frequencies for which there are different protection standards, the Agency shall determine the fraction of the applicable MPE incurred within each fre- quency interval. To achieve compliance the sum of all the frac- tions shall not exceed unity (1).

    G.      The Agency shall obtain compliance measurements at a dis- tance of five centimeters or greater from any object.

    H.      A registrant shall obtain measurements that are averaged over a six-minute period for pulsed and non-pulsed modes of radio frequency emission and make a correction for duty cycle in determining the average field strength.

Historical Note

Adopted effective April 2, 1990 (Supp. 90-2). Amended

effective January 2, 1996 (Supp. 96-1). Amended by final

rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 61, effective February 5, 2005

(Supp. 04-4).