Section R11-1-501. Employees operating mobile equipment -- unau- thorized personnel  

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  • Employees operating equipment shall not allow unauthorized per- sonnel to operate or ride on equipment to which they have been assigned.

    No  exposure   shall  exceed  115  dBA.  Impact  or  impulsive noises shall not exceed 140 dB, peak sound pressure level.

    NOTE: When the daily exposure is composed of two or more periods of noise exposure at different levels, their combined effect shall be considered rather than the indi- vidual effect of each. If the sum

    (Cl/Tl) + (C2/T2) + . . . (Cn/Tn)

    exceeds unity, then the mixed exposure shall be consid-

    ered to exceed the permissible exposure. Cn indicates the total time of exposure at a specified noise level, and Tn

    indicates the total time of exposure permitted at  that level. Interpolation between tabulated values may be determined by the following formula:

    log T = 6.322 - 0.0602 SL

    There T is the time in hours and SL is the sound level dBA.

    B.       When employees’ exposure exceeds that listed in the above table, feasible administrative or engineering controls shall be utilized. If such controls fail to reduce exposure to within per- missible levels, personal protective equipment shall be pro- vided and used to reduce sound levels to within the levels of the table.

Historical Note

Adopted effective April 7, 1976 (Supp. 76-2). Amended

effective August 18, 1980 (Supp. 80-4).