Section R11-1-472. Concentration of radon daughters  

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  • When radon daughters concentrations between 0.1 and 0.3 WL are found in an active working area, measurements representative of worker’s breathing zone shall be determined as follows:

    1.        Where uranium is not mined -- at least three months at random times until concentrations are below 0.1 WL and annually thereafter.

    2.        Where uranium is mined -- at least every two weeks at random times at all areas where persons work, travel or congregate. If concentrations are found in excess of 0.3 WL in an active working area, radon daughters concen- trations shall be determined weekly until such time as the weekly determinations have been 0.3 WL or less for five consecutive weeks.

    3.        Sample date, locations and results obtained shall be recorded and retained at the mine office for at least two years and shall be made available for inspection.

Historical Note

Former Rule 4:72; Former Section R11-1-472 repealed, new Section R11-1-472 adopted effective August 18, 1980 (Supp. 80-4).