Section R11-1-2236. Receipt, Off-loading, Storage of Liquid Cyanide Solution  

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  • A.       Tank trucks will be visually inspected for leaks before they are allowed to enter the plant.

    B.       Off-loading shall be performed only when lighting is avail- able.

    C.       The off-loading pad shall be constructed of an impervious base material and be arranged so liquid spillage will drain away from the truck and exposed structures and into the storage tank containment area. The pad shall be of sufficient length to allow

    the truck and trailer a minimum of four-foot clearance at each end and a minimum of two-foot clearance on each side. The vehicle must be positioned in a manner to allow forward movement away from off-loading pad.

    D.       Only qualified and properly trained employees shall operate the truck and make the off-loading or loading hook-up. A qual- ified and properly trained employee is one who has an Arizona commercial driver’s license with a current endorsement autho- rizing operation of a motor vehicle transporting hazardous materials, hazardous substances, or hazardous waste as defined by A.R.S. § 28-2401, or the equivalent license and endorsement from another state.

    E.       Truck parking brakes shall be set and, where necessary, the wheels blocked during off-loading and loading.

    F.       Warning signs shall be placed at all areas where cyanide is loaded and off-loaded.

    G.      Piping shall be arranged so the cyanide will drain toward the storage tank when the discharge valve is closed.

    H.      All pump packing and thrust seals at shaft shall be provided with splash guards in cases where personnel would be exposed to cyanide leaks or sprays.

    I.         Safety chains shall be used at all cyanide hose connections.

    J.        All storage tanks shall be adequately bermed, diked, or other- wise protected, with an impervious base material, designed to hold the maximum capacity of the tank in the event of a spill or rupture.

Historical Note

Adopted effective July 6, 1993 (Supp. 93-3).